Friday, September 7, 2007


Hello denizens of the internets! In celebration of doing more work than play today at work, I shall bestow upon you the minutity of what occupies my non-corporate timesink at work in the form of these internet hyperlinks:

WeeWar - This is an online game of strategic competition that generally takes up a good amount of time here at work...and I'd like to distance myself a bit from so I can get more of that occupational stuff done....

Super Smash Brothers Brawl - DAILY updates on the progress and information on the new Smash Brothers game.

IGN - Wii - The nerd in me cannot hope but to keep up to date on anything Wii-related, although I may play Wii for a couple hours every few weeks.

IGN - PC - after that I might travel on over to IGN's PC page and see if anything strikes my interest in the PC gaming realm.

CNN - Just to get a little taste of what really is going on in the world

OverClocked Remix - Video. Game. Music. Remixes. I gotta check it at least once a day and see if any hot new mixes are up for a game that I hold dear in my childhood memories (Seriously, yes)

And my mommy, I was informed, was just now in a car accident! But my bro said she's fine and one her way home her car which is still in drivable condition!


Anonymous said...

are you serious?? you get paid pretty green american money to do all that stuff??

Bryan said...

Unfortunately, that does tend to happen from time to time....I'd prefer to have some deadline crunching sweat-laden work, but it doesn't always work out that way.

Larry "Liontamer" Oji said...

I hope you're also checking out tracks from games you're not familiar with as well. There are so many great ReMixes that end up getting one interested in other games and soundtracks; almost a reverse nostalgia.

Thanks for the kind words on OC ReMix, Bryan! We appreciate 'em!

Larry "Liontamer" Oji
Head Submissions Evaluator, OverClocked ReMix
Creator, VG Frequency