Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday Night

Sprucing up the standard Friday night (thanks to our CTO [Chief Technology Officer], giving us 2 hours early leave for the holiday weekend), I'll be heading over to Mike (Cyr)'s house to probably check out Metroid Prime 3 on his Wii, before the standard Friday fare.

What pray tell is this "standard Friday fare" you speak of?

Well I shall certainly clue you in. On Friday evenings the teens, Pastor Love, and a few of us youth workers jump on a bus and travel to downtown Baltimore on our youth blitz, evangelizing the city. Then afterwards, we head over to Five Guys (Burgers and Fries) for a mini "rap" session. Now now, after a night of serving the Lord we most certainly don't degenerate in the freestyle rapping. Basically a rap is a small devotional by Pastor Love ending out the evening. Then we hop back on the bus and go back to the church.

Then after that...who knows, maybe play some Wii or some glorious Secret of Mana over Mike (Browns)'s!

And those are my plans for the evening!


MrsTwink said...

Bryan - I am THRILLED that you started a blog! I love getting a glimpse into people's lives outside of work.

While I think its great that you're helping out the city - I think you should start thinking about HELPING ANIMALS and stop eating them! Five Guys? Do you write these things to hurt me? :) Just kidding. I won't force my "alternative lifestyle" on you although I hope you're untilizing the company's recycling program!

Bryan said...

I don't use anything that requires use of the company's recycling program....but if I did, I'd be sure to forget to recycle it and put it in my trash can :)

And if it makes you feel any better, I only got the "little" cheesburger, which consisted of one patty of cow flesh instead of the standard 2.

And whoo boy let me tell you, tonight I'll probably be going to Outback STEAKhouse, to treat a friend to a STEAK dinner for his birthday. And I, of course, will partake of my customary Prime Rib 12oz seasoned and seared, cooked medium with a ceasar salad side and brocolli...gotta get my vegetables! :)

Anonymous said...

gosh, who can live without meat??? red meat, yum. that's what those animals live for - and you'd let their lives go to waste??? that's cruel (not you bryan, the other dude)

Bryan said...

Yes yes, Kim has adopted this "alternative lifestyle" of no meat. Which is fine I respect that... I just really love my carnivorous appitites :)

MrsTwink said...

Bryan - I will convert you to love the environment eventually.

And cruel to NOT eat animals? My head is about to explode from the ridiculousness of that comment. Animals are not here for our consumption. Wow - for some god-loving people, you sure don't love and respect god's creatures. :-)

Anonymous said...

well, the not eating them was kinda playing around (borrowed the concept from doug adams' restaurant at the end of the universe, if you know your sci-fi literature), but seriously, i get anemic and useless without a regular intake of good red meat and i'm sorry if that bothers people, but i'm not gonna spend my life dizzy for the sake of a cow. as cute as they be.