I was reading 1 Corinthians 4 yesterday, and the first few verses really jumped out at me:
4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.
My key-word Bible defines steward as one who manages a house and is accountable to the owner. Christians are called "stewards" in that they have been entrusted with the "mysteries of God," which is the Gospel message. It is the responsibility for which believers are held accountable.
Wow...God has called us caretakers and executors of His Gospel. It's a pretty hefty responsibility, and it's ours to bear...no one else is going to preach the good news, the song of deliverance to the captives.
4:2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
Because it is our responsibility, it is so important that we are faithful caretakers. Preparing our hearts, Setting our minds on things above. The importance of taking the time out to fellowship with the Savior. You can't be a good steward if you're lazy, not focused on Him. Jesus only, Jesus ever...
4:3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgement: yea, I judge not my own self.
And this was just fantastic. I don't even have to consider judgement from my friends or anyone. I don't even judge myself if I fail, stumble, fall, come short. Rom 8:1 - There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Rom 8:33. Nothing can be laid to our charge because Christ has justified us.
4:4 For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.
Amen. I don't look at myself, no self-analysis, no picking apart my failures and trappings, just pushing forward. For the Lord has sanctified and passed over His judgement upon us.
Meditate on these things (trust me...I'm talking to myself here!). Awesome.
God bless you
Friday, August 31, 2007
On a spirtual note...
Posted by
6:06:00 PM
Labels: 1 Corithians, bible, faith
Friday Night
Sprucing up the standard Friday night (thanks to our CTO [Chief Technology Officer], giving us 2 hours early leave for the holiday weekend), I'll be heading over to Mike (Cyr)'s house to probably check out Metroid Prime 3 on his Wii, before the standard Friday fare.
What pray tell is this "standard Friday fare" you speak of?
Well I shall certainly clue you in. On Friday evenings the teens, Pastor Love, and a few of us youth workers jump on a bus and travel to downtown Baltimore on our youth blitz, evangelizing the city. Then afterwards, we head over to Five Guys (Burgers and Fries) for a mini "rap" session. Now now, after a night of serving the Lord we most certainly don't degenerate in the freestyle rapping. Basically a rap is a small devotional by Pastor Love ending out the evening. Then we hop back on the bus and go back to the church.
Then after that...who knows, maybe play some Wii or some glorious Secret of Mana over Mike (Browns)'s!
And those are my plans for the evening!
Posted by
4:53:00 PM
Labels: Baltimore, Downtown, Friday Night Blitz, Mike Cyr, Wii
First Post
Per suggestion from my coworkers...I have created a blog. We'll see how this goes.
Posted by
4:21:00 PM